Sunday, December 21, 2008

Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice is an event that I begin to look forward to in October when the days start to become noticeably shorter and darker. Then in December when it is snowy all day and the sun sets at four o'clock I start to get cagey, cranky & tired. I am glad this day has arrived, not only because it means that Christmas is only four short days away, but because the days will only get lighter and longer from here on out. Happy Winter Solstice Everybody!

One day I hope to be in England on December 21st so I can attend the Winter Solstice at Stonehenge, looks pretty amazing (especially with Gandalf & Harry Potter at the same event, it's enough to make a nerd's head explode.)

photos courtesy Google imaging.


n.davis said...

That does look pretty sweet, haha.

I think i'm about done with winter myself. Almost spring time..happpy thinking..