Friday, August 15, 2008

The Send Off

Should you ever be lucky enough to stay at my Grandma's home,
this is how you would be sent off when you go.With my mom & aunts
dancing their hearts out for your enjoyment, I love my family!


Ems said...

awesome, that is really adorable.

J & J said...

this is exactly how my mom is. oh i just can't even tell you. isn't it grand?

mycattripoli said...

oh i am laughing and laughing- this is the best post

Queeey said...

Ah, the memories. And guess what, I think its a gene that can be passed on. Koen doesn't dance, but he runs waving to the corner to see everyone off from our house. And he hasn't had the benefit of living close to be taught he just does it!