Sunday, August 31, 2008

Is it just me?

Or did JCrew become AMAZING all of a sudden?! Check out their fall line here. Also I think I have a preoccupation with yellow. (I blame you Nikki : )

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A chance to help

I am starting to believe that there is no such thing as tragedy. There is only opportunity for growth, and should you accept it, the reward overcomes the sailing of the hardship. -cjane
For those of you who have not heard, Stephanie Clark Nielson and her husband were in a terrible plane accident and are hospitalized. I have been following the news on Stephanie's sisters blog cjanerun ever since my mom told me the news. Please go and read all about it on cjane, her posts about her sister are poignant and moving. Whether you know this dear family or not, this is a wonderful chance to help another human being. Please donate to Nie recovery and send along your thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

River Song Jewelry Trunk Show Friday August 29th & Saturday August 30th
The Sundance General Store will host a trunk show of stunning jewelry from artist, River Burke from Kirkland, Washington. River will be in the store from 10-5 each day to meet guests and discuss and sell her work. You must go, you simply must.

Sundance 2008 Food & Wine Festival
Saturday August 30 noon-4p.m.
I am so excited about this I am just beside my self. All the best restauraunts in Utah in one place? Heaven. $50.00 for food only. $75.00 for food & wine.
Sundance Resort is proud to present its Third Annual Food and Wine Festival. The event, co sponsored by Salt Lake Magazine, will feature the best in food and wine and will include a roster of top restaurants and the featured vintners of Sundance’s Celebrating Wine as Art program.

Restaurants participating in the Food and Wine Festival are the award-winning Sundance restaurants—Tree Room, Foundry Grill, and Zoom in Park City—as well as Lugano, Café Madrid, Grand America, Franck's, Blue Boar Inn, Paris Bistro, Pizzeria 712, Snake Creek Grill, Tony Caputo’s Market and Deli, Park City Roasters, Acme Burger, Prime Steak House & Piano Bar, and Ruth's Chris.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Tag, I'm it.

I am...hungry.

I think...about everything, way to much. To much thinking not enough doing.

I know...the words to countless songs.

I travel, immediately. To Spain.

I have... a tremendous husband.

I be successful.

I hate...that word, hate.

I miss... Grandpa, The Garys, Lindsey, Greece, London, Paris.

I much, fear is the polio that keeps us from walking by faith.

I feel... tired, really tired and a little confused as to why Obama picked Biden.

I hear...beck

I smell...massaman curry.

I search...for the perfect bag, and shoes that fit.

I wonder...if I will ever finish school.

I much, goes back to that less thinking and more doing.

I family.

I care...about my dear friends.

I always... always, am in the mood for good company and good food, preferably together.

I am not...on time.

I the goodness of people.

I dance... when alone, a lot.

I sing... in the car and shower.

I don' enough for those in need.


I win... at Guitar hero, all the time.

I lose... at freaking Perudo, damn you Justin.

I never...try purposefully to hurt someone or eat at McDonald's.

I good, good music.

I can usually be found... at work. I would like to be found in a foreign country.

I am scared of...wasting my life.

I read... Ton's of Blogs, I am a little obsessed at the moment.

I am happy about... my life, it is pretty great.

I tag.... Annie, Jenna, Allison & Nicole.

Doesn't get any cuter

My mom, age 2 and cute as a button. Happy Birthday!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Lisa!!

Happy 52nd birthday Mom! We love you! I love this picture, my mom has always, always had the sweetest hair. This is no exception, happy, happy birthday!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A day off

Luke and I had a day off together which lately have been few and far between, so we headed up to SLC. We had a lovely lunch at ACME Burger (veggie burger is amazing thanks Nicci for recommending) which was indeed anything but ordinary and quite tasty as well. We walked around Temple Square around sunset it was gorgeous and hardly anyone was there, it was a great afternoon.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy Birthday to our Favorite Sister!

Happy Happy Birthday Megann dear! We love you!

Oh Linds

I was sorting through pictures and came across this gem. Me and Lindsey at the shower she threw for me almost 31/2 years ago, where does the time go?

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Send Off

Should you ever be lucky enough to stay at my Grandma's home,
this is how you would be sent off when you go.With my mom & aunts
dancing their hearts out for your enjoyment, I love my family!

Monday, August 11, 2008


I am so happy with these pictures! Jess thank you so much for being my guinea pig. And yes she looks this cool always!

Bowling anyone?

Who wants to be on a bowling team? We do! I wonder how you go about doing that?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Weekend Weddings

2 weekends, 2 weddings; Thanks Gillian & Nikki for letting us be a part of your day. Both weddings were lovely and Allison & I are going to take a nice break in September, unless of course any of you are in need of two fantastic florists! And just in case you are got itself a well needed facelift, go see for yourself.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Impressive no? More pics to come.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

...with a little help from my friends

It's amazing what you miss when you don't go to the movies very often. Steve & Allison had to expose us to the greatness that is Across The Universe! We loved it, and are kicking ourselves for not seeing it in the theaters. So if your like us and missed the boat on this one, go rent it immediately.