March started out ok, these lovely people came over to help me celebrate my 26th.

I also got to go to my favorite bakery and eat some of their delightful sweets, if you haven't been to Backers in SLC you should definitely make the trip.

I got to take pictures of this adorable child (who by the way posed himself this way, I think he might know how cute he is.)

And then sometime around the second week, my tooth started to hurt (again, different tooth, but again.)
The husband and I got to go down to St. George with some of our friends, which would have been great, if my tooth had not decided to inflict me with mind numbing pain.

Long story short, I had about the worst three weeks ever and I had to have 4 procedures to finish 1 root canal. It was the WORST!

Oh yeah, and I got to go to L.A. for work, but there aren't any pictures of that because my boss and I were a little out of commission (she incidentally had to have her tooth pulled the same week, had a horrible time recovering from that) so basically we went to the show, came back to hotel, slept, ate (only because we had to, eating was not fun) and then went right back to sleep for the night. Yep, good times.
I am really looking forward to April.